Author Archives: Ron Lipsman

Why Do the People Abuse Themselves by over Empowering Government?

There is nothing in the Constitution that grants the federal government the authority to regulate the health care industry, much less the right to actually administer any portion of it. Of course, the same statement can be made about education, disability, retirement, insurance, employment, housing and so many other key aspects of our society and the US economy. That hasn’t stopped the feds from assuming control of these enterprises – sometimes partial, increasingly total. Moreover, all three branches of the government have colluded in the lawlessly unconstitutional usurpation of the people’s rights in these matters.

But the people are complicit. By repeatedly electing politicians who boldly proclaim their intention to enhance federal power, the people knowingly empower those who rob the people of their rights. By not recalling judges who ratify the government’s implementation of unconstitutional authority, the people acquiesce in the curtailment of the rights granted to them in our founding documents. By supporting statist policies and programs that assign responsibility for managing the mundane details of their lives to Uncle Sam, the people surrender the liberties envisioned for them by their forefathers and enjoyed by their ancestors.

Why do people do these things? I submit for your consideration three reasons: greed, laziness and ignorance. Perhaps greed is too strong a term. But people want stuff. Whether it is quality and affordable health care, a nice home, an outstanding education, a good job or a comfortable retirement, people naturally desire such things. It can be difficult to secure them. If the federal government is willing to help, doesn’t it make sense to allow it? Or even encourage it?

This leads us to the second reason? Again, perhaps laziness is too strong a word. But life is hard. Aside from the high cost of obtaining the aforementioned items, the act of doing so is often impeded by difficult family matters, incidental illness or injury, haphazard crime or natural disaster, and unsympathetic friends and co-workers. It’s enough to discourage one from even trying. A little help from a benevolent government can make a difference.

And that is where ignorance comes in. All of these obstacles were anticipated by our Founders. They knew, therefore, that our system of government – structured for a free people to govern themselves – would only work if the people were moral, disciplined, well-educated, responsible, self-reliant, modest and respectful of their neighbor. Alas, the progressives, who have taken control of all the opinion-molding organs of American society over the last century, have done their best to undermine in the populace all of the virtues required by the Founders’ recipe to work. Too many people no longer understand that relinquishing to the government the responsibility for running their own lives will inevitably lead to tyranny. As the famous saying – mistakenly attributed to Jefferson – goes, “A government that is big enough to give you everything you need is also strong enough to take from you everything you have.” [The actual Jefferson quote is: “The natural progression of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.”] It is in the natural order of things for governments to take far more than they give – for they have nothing to give John but what they take from Sam.

And so through Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, the VA and, of course, Obamacare, the government has taken nearly complete control of the health care industry in America. The polls say that most people are unhappy about that development. Well, they have only themselves to blame. They put Obama and the Democrats in a position to impose on us the Frankenstein monster known as Obamacare. It’s not like Obama and the Dems hid, before the 2008 election, their intention to do it. The people elected them anyway. Greed, laziness and ignorance!

We are told that Obamacare was modelled after its precursor Romneycare in Massachusetts. Now, several state governments have decided that Obamacare does not go far enough in controlling the people’s health care. For example, I learned just last week about O’Malleycare. Martin O’Malley is Governor of the State of Maryland – in which progressive paradise I happen to reside. O’Malley has deemed that even though individuals are now dependent on government for their health care, they are still behaving in an irresponsible fashion. They eat too much, get fat, become sick and then spend too many health care dollars. Or they ignore health warnings (like high blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of cancer) and fall prey to expensive illnesses. Worst of all, they don’t follow the instructions of their physicians. Well, O’Malley will put a stop to that nonsense. Henceforth, all health insurance policies for state employees and retirees (and others soon I presume) will entail a contractual agreement between the State, the health insurer and the insuree. Everyone will have to undergo an initial medical assessment – presumably by a doctor of their choosing. The doctor is obliged to perform a health evaluation on the insuree, and then provide a plan of health care maintenance for the individual. If the insuree adheres to the plan, various discounts for medical services will ensue. If the insuree violates the doctor’s plan, then fees and financial penalties will be assessed on the individual. How often the assessment must be performed is unclear.

The mechanisms for administering and enforcing this government diktat are buried in a document, which – although not as long as the Obamacare bill – is just as obtuse and impenetrable. One more layer of my individual freedom is peeled away by a supposedly benevolent, but, in fact, a misguided and ultimately insidious government.

“But,” say the new mandate’s supporters, “this is for your own good and, anyway, government has to do something to rein in health care costs. Well, it is not big brother’s place to tell me what is good for me. As long as I don’t harm anyone else, my health concerns are none of government’s business. And if the government was not running health care, it would not be incurring any costs that it felt the need to control.

If we are to halt government’s increasing encroachment on our freedoms, we must find a way to overcome the greed, laziness and ignorance instilled by the progressive-controlled, opinion-molding organs of society. If conservatives do not contest the liberal cultural hegemony and ultimately reassert control of those organs that drive the culture, then you can kiss the good old USA goodbye.

This essay also appeared in The American Thinker

Follow Ron Lipsman on Twitter @rlipsman

Nine Remarkable Similarities between America and Israel; and One Critical Difference

At first glance, the title of this essay seems a bit absurd. An assertion that the United States and Israel are alike is rather easy to refute. They are countries of vastly different size, geography and climate. Their languages are unrelated. One was founded as a haven for people seeking freedom; the other as a refuge for the Jewish people. Their ethnic communities are dissimilar, as are their structures of government, the nature of their courts, how their militaries are populated, not to mention the hospitality – or lack thereof – of their neighbors. The role and place in the world that each occupies bear little resemblance to one another.

Nevertheless, there are some remarkable similarities. I shall describe them and then point out a critical difference. The point of this exercise – aside from highlighting the amazing ways that these two strikingly different countries resemble each other – is to explain how the one critical difference might outweigh in importance the myriad similarities; and how, as a consequence of that difference, the little country might serve to lead the bigger one back to a more righteous path.

Here are the similarities:

  1. Biblical society. The US and Israel are both what I would call “biblical societies” – in the following sense. The Bible, the Old Testament represents a deal that the ancient Israelis made with God more than three thousand years ago – a deal which, incidentally, they viewed as binding on their descendants. The Jews would obey all of God’s commandments and in so doing bring holiness to the world and be a light unto the nations, thus serving God’s purpose of having mankind perfect the world. In return God would make the Jews a great nation that would enjoy peace and prosperity. Israel is the modern fulfillment of that biblical pledge.America has trod a similar path. Namely, a quarter millennium ago, the young Americans made a deal with themselves – a deal that they also viewed as binding on their descendants. The Bible in this case was the Constitution. The people pledged to live according to the rules set forth in the sacred document. In return they would receive lives of peace, freedom, prosperity and moral honor. They and their children would continue to know the blessing of freedom.
  2. Abrogating the founding deal. Regarding the Jewish ‘deal,’ it is easy to argue that neither side (neither the Jews, nor God) has kept his end of the bargain very well. As for the American deal, we did a fairly good job of honoring it for a long time. But now we are in the process of abrogating it.
  3. Born in blood. Both nations gained their independence through war.
  4. Prominent part of western civilization. Both countries are prominent outposts of western civilization – that is, societies manifesting: democratic institutions, rule of law, an independent judiciary, citizen’s rights guaranteed by founding documents, a devotion to individual liberty, an open and vigorous culture, and tolerance for minority viewpoints.
  5. Capitalistic. Both enjoy prosperity stemming from a capitalistic economic system. It took the Israelis two generations to figure it out, whereas it’s in the American DNA. Actually, it’s in the Jewish people’s DNA too, but the Israelis needed some time to get over the misguided biases of their socialist founders.
  6. Multicultural. For America this is obvious. For Israel, even though the population is overwhelmingly Jewish, the ethnic backgrounds among the populace (even within each of the two broad Ashkenazi and Sephardi communities) are remarkably diverse.
  7. Nation of immigrants. This is clear in both instances, and is perhaps the most obvious similarity between the two nations.
  8. Innovative and entrepreneurial people. This has been one of the most salient features of the US from its founding (as described, for example, by de Tocqueville). It took a while for the government to get out of the way in Israel, but once it did, the entrepreneurial spirit of the Israeli citizenry exploded.
  9. Bulls-eye on the back. Would that it weren’t so, but both societies are in the cross hairs of the most malevolent movements afoot in the world. Generally, those with their finger on the trigger tend to be Arab fundamentalists, but there is no shortage of other bad actors (radical Islamists, Persian mullahs, the Castro brothers and various South American despots) who profess enmity toward both countries.

In sum, it is really quite astounding. I venture the reader will find it difficult to name another country whose components match those of the United States in as many ways as does Israel’s. The obvious candidates, for example Great Britain, Canada, Australia, perhaps France, share a great many common features and bonds with the United States: language, common history, allies in war, trading partners. But they also lack a few key aspects that define the US/Israel bond: biblical society, born in blood, nation of immigrants, bulls-eye on the back.

So I think that the first glance was misleading. There is an inherent symbiosis between the two nations that is unmistakable. Alas, the current US administration seems to be blind to that fact. Of course, that is not the only perversion characteristic of the Obama administration. Leaving aside its maltreatment of the vast majority of Americans, it has also turned its back to Britain, Poland and the Czech Republic, and largely ignored our other traditional allies. At the same time, it cozies up to the Muslim Brotherhood, Putin – the Czar-wannabee, the Iranian mullahs and every tin pot South American dictator. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of Americans are cognizant – even if only subliminally – of the unshakable bonds between Israel and the United States. Opinion polls and actions of Congress confirm this. The bonds of affection – based on the similarities I have identified – between the peoples of the US and of Israel will survive Obama. Of course, that is provided the United States of America survives Obama.

Now what is the critical difference? It has to do with the second item – abrogation. Sad to say, but the people of the US seem to be losing faith in the fundamental ethos or creed that unified the nation at its birth and for two centuries thereafter. The election of Barack Obama – twice – bears poignant testimony to that loss of faith. If the loss of faith continues – mirroring what has been happening in Western Europe for the last 60 years – then America, as we have known it, is doomed.

So where is the difference here? I identified the act of abrogation in Israel as one of the similarities to the United States. Ah, but there is a catch. The abrogation is by the Jewish people worldwide with the tenets of Judaism. There is virtually no analogous abrogation going on by the Israeli people with the basic tenets of its creed. Admittedly, Judaism – the religion of the Jewish people and of course of the Jewish inhabitants of Israel – is part of that creed. Moreover, it is true that the majority of Israelis do not practice Orthodox Judaism. But of those who do not, the vast majority are not alienated from it – as are many (maybe most) secular Jews in the Diaspora. And the significant portion of the population that does practice the religion is treated with respect and admiration by the overall populace in Israel. More importantly, the other components of Israel’s founding ethos are alive and well: belief in the nationhood of the Jewish people (Zionism), its language, culture, history, ideals and ethics. I have lived there twice and I can testify to the differences between the US and Israel on that score.

Allow me to cite one minor, but telling example. For most Americans, too many national holidays (Labor Day, New Years, President’s Day, MLK Day – even Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day to some extent) are merely excuses to take off of work and go shopping. The holiday’s content, steeped in American history and culture, is ignored to a surprising extent. On the other hand, in Israel, every holiday is based on either Israeli history or Jewish history and religious festivals. Every holiday is celebrated – even by the most secular Israelis – in relation to its meaningful content. People may go to the beach, but they also go to Synagogue and pay homage to the Israeli and Jewish history that affords the holiday its meaning.

Israelis, unlike too many Americans, have not lost faith in the founding ethos, basic creed and ultimate national purpose of their homeland. The love of country and the willingness to defend and promote it is extremely strong throughout the country. The people of America would do well to pay attention to this aspect of Israeli society. Such faith enables Israel to carry on and prosper despite the enormous obstacles that her neighbors – indeed that the whole ‘international community’ – strew in her path. It might help America if its citizens were to re-pledge allegiance to the idea of American Exceptionalism – which heretofore enabled the US to be a beacon of freedom to the world and a boon to all mankind. If we inspect the valor and faith that Israelis exhibit in defense and pursuit of their Zionist dream, it might inspire us to rekindle our own faith in the value of our nation’s historic role in the pursuit of human freedom, both at home and abroad.

This essay also appeared in The Intellectual Conservative

Is It a Coincidence that Obama is Beset by Multiple Crises?

The cable news programs are enjoying a boom time. They have so much scandalous material to choose from that it’s a challenge to cover all the domestic and international crises in a one hour program. Indeed, the attention of the American people is increasingly drawn to an incredibly wide and varied series of crises and scandals. Not any one of them compares in seriousness to 9/11 or Pearl Harbor; but in breadth and number, they represent a panoply of domestic and foreign crises that is arguably unparalleled in American history.

Now one might argue that this is a singular piece of bad luck for President Obama – namely, that so many crises have landed in his inbox at the same time. In fact, the bad luck is more accurately ascribed to the American people, because events of the last few years reveal unquestionably that Obama is totally unable to deal with any of these crises. The USA is witnessing a spectacular failure of leadership, characterized by: manifold manifestations of misguided analysis; timid, confused and inappropriate responses to pressing concerns; as well as deceitful and unlawful actions by the executive branch of government. But it is worse than that. For in every instance, at least one of the underlying causes of the crisis can be traced to the policies, attitudes and actions of the Obama administration.

Before justifying that assertion, let’s supply a (non-comprehensive) list of the crises and scandals that beset team Obama:

(a)    War in Ukraine and the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 by a Russian-made missile.

(b)   War in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas.

(c)    The ongoing failure to explain how the IRS came to target conservative groups.

(d)   The failure to prevent or investigate the murder of US Embassy and CIA personnel in Benghazi, Libya.

(e)   The stunning incompetence of the Veteran’s Administration (VA) that has resulted in the needless deaths of American veterans.

(f)     The invasion of our country by illegal aliens – many of them unaccompanied minors.

(g)    The disintegration of Iraq and the establishment of a terrorist Islamic caliphate in its stead.

(h)   Iran on the verge of nuclear weapons, facilitated by pretend negotiations that no one believes will forestall the acquisition of nukes by the mullahs.

(i)      The threat of Afghanistan following Iraq into the toilet.

(j)     The lawless behavior of the President – making and altering laws without congressional authorization.

(k)    An anemic economic recovery from the “Great Recession,” marked by the lowest labor participation rate in 40 years, stagnant wages, and untold twenty-somethings living in their parents’ basement.

(l)      An exploding federal debt, thanks to supra-$1M deficits in Obama’s first four years – today, he brags that the deficit is only a half-trillion dollars.

(m) The death of the Keystone pipeline and the crippling of the American energy industry caused by outrageous environmental policies.

I could go on (Obamacare, Fast & Furious, Boko Haram, Libya,…), but, in the interest of brevity, I kept the list to a baker’s dozen. The desired brevity will require that the explanation of how Obama’s paw prints are all over every one of these crises shall be restricted to a few lines. However, each cause/effect scenario has been flushed out more fully in the blogosphere, and I leave it to the diligent reader to pursue any that interest him. Here are the connections:

(a)    War in Ukraine. Obama’s obsequious efforts to appease Putin have only emboldened the czar wannabee to recklessly pursue a restoration of the Russian Empire.

(b)   War in Gaza. Obama’s maltreatment of Israel and coddling of Muslim extremists has had the easily foreseen consequence of encouraging Hamas to pursue its rocket attacks on and infiltrations into Israel. Sensing no help forthcoming from the benighted one, the Israelis took matters into their own hands.

(c)    IRS. Even if Obama did not issue a direct order, his tone and that of his lieutenants conveyed the message to Lois Lerner (and others) that it was not only alright, but encouraged to harass conservative groups and prevent them from obtaining tax-exempt status.

(d)   Benghazi. It would have severely impeded Obama’s re-election effort to admit that the attacks on the US Consulate and CIA Annex were pre-planned terrorist assaults by jihadists. Better to blame an obscure video than to acknowledge that the War on Terror had not been won – as Obama claimed. Why was there no prior beef up of security? Ask Hilary!

(e)   VA. Despite campaign promises to clean up the mess at the VA, Obama purposefully ignored the matter; it was not part of his plan to “fundamentally transform America.”

(f)     Alien invasion. Tens of millions of future Democrat voters and government dependents are too appetizing for Obama to pass up. “Please come in” is his unmistakable message. He desires it so much that he practically issues an invitation by his unlawful executive implementation of a pseudo DREAM Act, and he facilitates it by refusing to secure the border.

(g)    Iraq. At the risk of a “blue” interpretation, can you say “pulling out too early!”

(h)   Iranian nukes. Obama shows his disdain for Israel, America and Western Civilization by refusing to take the actions required (military and non-military) to prevent Iran’s acquisition of the bomb. He gives the impression that he believes that Iran has as much right as the US or Israel to possess nuclear weapons.

(i)      Afghanistan. See (g) above.

(j)     Lawlessness. Obama displays his disrespect for the Constitution that he is sworn to “preserve, protect and defend” by asserting that Republicans in Congress have no right not to endorse and vote for his leftist programs. Since the GOP refuses to kneel, he will implement his policies without their consent – as if he were a monarch.

(k)    Economic recovery. Obama may not have caused the recession of 2007-2009, but his refusal to lower taxes, decrease regulations, open up the domestic energy industry and rein in federal spending – that is, by pursuing an economic program that is virtually the reverse of the policies implemented by Jack Kennedy and Ronald Reagan – has mired the economy in a seemingly permanent torpid phase of anemic growth.

(l)      Deficit and Debt. Obama ignores: the impending entitlement crisis, the indebtedness to China, the projection of unaffordable interest payments (on the debt) swamping the budget, and the moral crime of passing these burdens on to our children and grandchildren. His economic policies are crippling the middle class. Barack couldn’t care less; he keeps piling on the debt.

(m) Energy. Obama is an environmental fundamentalist. His maniacal green policies have not only stopped the Keystone pipeline, but also prevented the development of LNG terminals, halted offshore drilling and drilling on federal lands, and destroyed the clean coal industry. Is it any wonder that the domestic energy enterprise is in crisis?

The question that the American people must ask themselves is how they could have empowered this rank amateur by placing him in a position to do the enormous harm that he has. Americans elevated to the presidency a man: with no executive or managerial experience; whose background (including his mentors) was rife with leftist radicals; who made no secret of his disdain for America and his desire to transform it from a constitutional republic into a collectivist, centrally-managed, Euro-style social welfare state; who also made no attempt to hide his contempt for free market capitalism; and whose vison of America was not that of a nation dedicated to individual liberty, which faithfulness to that dedication had saved the world twice from totalitarianism. Instead he saw an America defined by the warts that he identified: slavery, brutalization of the native peoples, discrimination against women and minorities, confinement of Japanese-Americans, pillage of foreign lands and unequal distribution of wealth. His America needed fixing, a fundamental transformation.

Armed with enormous self-confidence (that frequently spilled over into arrogance), copious charm, an engaging style, a soothing and eloquent voice, and aided by a compliant media, he convinced the public that he would “heal America.” In fact, his intent was to “remake America.” And to anyone with half an eye open, that was obvious from his first appearance on the national stage. How could the people be so blind? America committed not just a reckless act by electing Obama, but arguably an act of national suicide – twice! It defies belief.

Why we did it is a story that has been told by many. I would cite two examples: America: Imagine a World without Her by Dinesh D’Souza and Silent Revolution: How the Left Rose to Political Power and Cultural Dominance by Barry Rubin. They, like others, point out that a decades-long brainwashing of the people by the media, the educational establishment and all the other opinion-molding organs of national culture – virtually all of which had come under leftist control in the twentieth century – played a huge role. But as the biblical admonition says: “What ye sow, so shall ye reap.” The multiple crises are a direct consequence of Obama’s transformational program.

In response, Obama seems at times bewildered, at other times disinterested. He is bewildered because he didn’t anticipate the developments – he believes his own propaganda and thinks that nearly everyone appreciates his actions. The jolts and shocks from his misguided policies are a genuine surprise for him. But he is also disinterested because he doesn’t care for the most part. Certainly he doesn’t care about the international crises – his total fixation is on remaking America. Moreover, many of the domestic crises don’t prove a threat to his transformational efforts (they even help sometimes). So why get bent out of shape?

The last president who doubted America’s overall goodness and who made attempts to fix us was Jimmy Carter. (Although, truth be told, Carter was far less radical than Obama). Of course, Carter made a mess too. But thankfully, Ronald Reagan arrived to clean up the mess. Is there a second Reagan who will clean up Obama’s mess? Or is the mess beyond the capabilities of even a Reaganesque figure? We shall know relatively soon. If we survive, we will look back and wonder how we could have been so insane as to elect Barack Obama president of the United States.

This essay also appeared in Canada Free Press

How far has Netanyahu been Provoked?

President Obama might not be the only leader whose self-imposed red lines are drawn in disappearing ink. Until very recently, some were thinking that Benjamin Netanyahu might be predisposed to the same behavior.

Netanyahu has been arguing for years that Iran – despite protestations to the contrary – is intent on developing nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them both near to and far from the Persian homeland. From the Knesset to the halls of the UN to the Oval Office, Netanyahu has preached that the Iranian nuclear quest is a threat to the civilized world, but of course particularly to Israel. He exhorts the world community, and especially the US, to halt the Iranian drive for nuclear weapons capability; and he promises in the most forceful terms that if others will not act, then Israel will.

In a similar vein, Netanyahu has given eloquent speeches excoriating the evil practices of the Gaza-based terrorist organization, Hamas. In the same venues in which he lambasts Iran, Netanyahu passionately describes the murderous designs of Hamas and how the Israelis will thwart those intentions; indeed, how Israel will destroy Hamas if provoked sufficiently.

Well, if more than fifteen hundred rockets fired by Hamas from Gaza into almost every Israeli community is not sufficient provocation, then one wonders what is. Moreover, the latest provocation is exactly that – the latest. For more than decade, Hamas has engaged in rocket attacks, kidnappings, assassinations and many other forms of terror directed at the Jewish State. Periodically, Israel administers a harsh, but short, and in many ways restrained, military response. The international community says, “Tsk, tsk” and prevails upon both sides to cease fire. The calm lasts a brief period whereupon Hamas resumes its cross-border aggression, and gradually escalates its terrorist actions. The cycle repeats.

Everyone, absolutely everyone, understands that the only way that Netanyahu can fulfill his promise to silence Hamas is by reconquering Gaza. The Israelis could do so, but at great cost in casualties on both sides. Netanyahu, despite his eloquent assertions that he will do whatever is necessary to silence Hamas, has – until this past week — seemed unwilling to incur that cost. When Deputy Minister Danny Danon said so publicly, Netanyahu summarily cashiered him. But Danon was merely pointing out what many were thinking.

In fact, as events have unfolded, it is clear that more than just Danon in Netanyahu’s cabinet subscribed to the view that the Prime Minister engaged in perhaps too much talk and too little action. Those suspicions have likely been allayed by Israel’s entry into Gaza.

And yet, it is still unclear how indelible the ink on Netanyahu’s red line vis-à-vis Hamas really is. According to his words, the goal of the Israeli incursion into Gaza is not the destruction of Hamas, but rather the rendering of that terrorist organization’s power sufficiently impotent so as to ensure no attacks from Gaza for a “sustained period.” I have no doubt that the IDF can achieve that objective. I also have no doubt that if Hamas remains the governing force in Gaza, it will be able to reconstitute the threat it poses to Israel. It might take years instead of months; but if Hamas is not destroyed, it will eventually recover its dangerous potential. The period of the cycle will lengthen, but the cycle will recur.

Netanyahu is an Israeli hero. If one counts only his achievement of almost single-handedly converting Israel’s basket-case socialist economy into the free market dynamo it has become, it would suffice to cement his place among the Zionist giants of the last hundred years. His leadership and ability to unify the Israeli people are also testament to his greatness. Finally, his eloquence in describing the fundamental differences between the freedom and rule of law present in western democracies, and the barbaric, tyrannical forces arrayed against the West in the Islamic fundamentalist world, is without equal. His 1986 book Terrorism: How the West Can Win is representative of his masterful arguments.

But as the years have passed, and Israel under his leadership has failed to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities, doubts have arisen about his resolve. His seeming unwillingness to deliver a fatal blow to Hamas reinforces those doubts. The events of the coming days should resolve the doubts – one way or the other. It is important to resolve them now. For surely, the Iranians are watching carefully and might conclude that Netanyahu has no intention of attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities. One supposes that the new “Islamic State” and its mad caliph are also paying attention – not to mention all the other bad apples in Israel’s neighborhood.

A century of history has proven that the Arab/Muslim world does not and will not accept the existence of a sovereign Jewish State in the Umma. The Muslim word is willing to use any means, of course including terror, to obliterate Israel. The Israelis understand this. It has compelled them to fight many wars in order to maintain their existence. The sacrifices the Israelis have made in these efforts have been enormous. The Israelis would like, most fervently, to not have to continue making those sacrifices. Alas, harsh (even if eloquent) words and limited military reactions will not dissuade Hamas and its allies from their genocidal intentions. Unfortunately, much more severe action by Israel is required.

This essay appeared in The American Thinker

Retreating to Rural America

I have spent my life in the belly of the beast. For nearly forty years, I have lived in Montgomery County, Maryland, which borders Washington, DC on its north side. This might not be the most liberal county in the nation, but it is certainly among the top five. During all that time, I worked (as Professor of Mathematics and Senior Associate Dean of the Physical Sciences College) at the University of Maryland. Again, this is not the left most institution of higher education in the country, but the political/cultural/educational orientation of my campus would not be confused with that of Hillsdale College. Finally, I have socialized and recreated extensively throughout the Baltimore-Washington corridor since 1969. Like I said, a long sojourn in the heart of liberal America.

However, seven years ago, I had the good fortune to purchase a second home in Garrett County, which is at the western most tip of Maryland in the Allegheny Mountains, about 175 miles from the nation’s capital. Since I retired four years ago, my wife and I spend all summer and significant portions of the other three seasons ensconced in our little paradise on the shores of Deep Creek Lake in McHenry, Maryland. Yes, we’re still in Maryland, but it’s as far (politically and culturally) from the Baltimore-Washington liberal playground as Midland, Texas is from the big Apple.

Of course the environment is a big reason why we love the place. In the summer, the lake is clear, cool and inviting and the mountains are lush with greenery. In the winter, the lake is an ice playground and the snow-filled mountains are dotted with skiers. All year round, the air is fresh, the entertainment and recreational opportunities are abundant, and the scenery is spectacular.

An equally attractive feature of our getaway is the community and its people. Actually, many outlanders (like us) have built and purchased homes, so the landscape has taken on the features of a resort locale. But it has also managed to retain its rural flavor as a home to numerous farms, a few quintessential small mountain towns, several insular religious communities and various small businesses and shops representative of small town America. During my seven years here, I’ve gotten to know quite a few locals. They, their lifestyles and their values present a stark contrast to the folks I’ve known during my four decades in the suburban Washington area. Here’s a set of representative examples of the differences:

• If you go to the local elementary school at the end of the day, you will see parents in their twenties and early thirties fetching their children. In suburban DC, the parents are never in their twenties and often in their forties.
• People go to church on Sunday – even to the mainline Protestant churches that are bleeding membership in urban areas.
• No one is in a rush. Sometimes, to a lifelong (sub)urban dweller like me – e.g., when I am trying to arrange a household repair – this can be frustrating. But generally, it is refreshing and calming.
• When I take a walk along one of the country roads, I exchange a wave with the driver of virtually every vehicle that passes. If I did that in DC, at best the driver would assume I was trying to hitch a ride, and at worst that I was a potential carjacker.
• People listen to country and folk music, not rock and rap.
• Shopkeepers, public servants (like the clerk in the local post office), repairmen and others one encounters in daily life are polite, cheerful and anxious to be helpful. Truth be told, that is often the case in DC as well, but it seems forced in the metropolitan area whereas it seems natural at the lake.
• Republican candidates for public office outpoll Democrats 60—40, and often 2-1.
• Patriotism and love of country is on display on more than just Independence Day. That spirit exists in suburban Maryland too, but it is often drowned out by criticisms of America that emanate from the President down to the local politician.

Perhaps I am idealizing and exaggerating. But when I am in western Maryland, I have the sense that in many ways the country that I inhabit is not so different from the one that I grew up in during the middle of the twentieth century. I never feel that way when I am on Montgomery County. Alas, I fear that the future of America is reflected far more by the latter than by the former.

This short essay also appeared in The Intellectual Conservative.