Below is a list of book reviews. I have chosen a few recent books that I found very impressive and that have had great impact. Periodically, I will add to the list as new important books appear. For each entry, the book cover link will take you to its site on; the title link will take you to the review; the author link will take you to that author’s web site (if there is one); and the reviewer link will take you to the reviewer’s site (again, if it exists).
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New Sept 2024:
The Age of AI: And Our Human Future, by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt and Daniel Huttenlocher. The book is reviewed by Kevin Roose in the New York Times — who admits he used AI to write the review. Did he get AI to fire up the tool used to write the review — an infinite regression process. If you’re interested, take a look.
New: May 2020:
George Will‘s The Conservative Sensibility, reviewed by Patrick Deneen in The Washington Post. Deneen’s review, while respectful and — like Will’s book — extremely well-written, takes issue with Will’s premises and emphases. Perhaps I am oversimplifying, but Deneen accuses Will of pursuing a largely economic stance, arguing for a more laissez-faire approach to the government and the economy, while ignoring the social turmoil wrought by increasingly ascendant progressive attitudes and policies. I encourage the reader to sample both the book and the review.
David Horowitz‘ Take No Prisoners: The Battle Plan for Defeating the Left; reviewed by J. Christian Adams in PJ Media. There is another review by yours truly on this site.
Dinesh D’Souza’s America: Imagine a World without Her; reviewed by John Hayward in Human Events. Another review, this one also of the D’Souza movie by the same name, by John Fund in National Review online.
Barry Rubin’s The Silent Revolution; reviewed by Lloyd Billingsley in Front Page Magazine.
David Archibald’s The Twilight of Abundance; reviewed by Terrasa Monroe-Hamilton at NoisyRoom.Net.
Caroline Glick‘s The Israeli Solution: a One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East; reviewed by Spengler in the Asia Times. Here is a second review by Evelyn Gordon in the June 2014 issue of Commentary Magazine.
Daniel Hannan’s Inventing Freedom; reviewed by Barton Swaim in the Wall Street Journal.
Charles Krauthammer’s Things That Matter; reviewed by Peter Wehner (of the Ethics and Public Policy Center) in the Nov 13 online issue of Commentary Magazine.
Mark Levin‘s The Liberty Amendments; reviewed by Thomas Lifson (editor and publisher of The American Thinker).
Mark Steyn‘s After America; reviewed by Ray Hartwell in the Washington Times.
George Gilder‘s The Israel Test; reviewed by Yours Truly in The American Thinker.
David Mamet‘s The Secret Knowledge; reviewed by Andrew Klavan in the Wall Street Journal.